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PLC Extension Centre

How to support a gifted and talented child

Life isn’t always smooth sailing for gifted individuals, even in childhood. Imagine trying to navigate intense feelings of boredom, frustration, exasperation and exultation as a seven-year-old? And as a parent, how do you support your child to nurture their gift and give them the best possible tools to succeed?

The team at PLC Sydney Futures Extension Centre has been supporting gifted children for more than 30 years. They’ve shared some of their insights, as well as how the Centre can help, below.

1. Encourage them
One of the most important things you can do for your gifted child is to encourage them. Encourage and nurture the gift they have and help them further develop their skills. With regular praise, they will recognise their strengths and foster a passion to pursue what interests them. Your job is to give them the tools they need, whether it is reading books, extra mathematics work or artistic tools. Whatever helps them nourish their individual talents.

By helping them develop and be proud of their gifts, it can help them in all areas of their lives, including opening up and developing their social skills.

2. Extend their learning
Gifted children often want to be kept busy. They are curious, can ask a lot of questions, and constantly look for things to occupy their mind. However, it is important to focus on the particular tasks you believe will help them with their skills and development, rather than just giving them busy work.

Don’t overload them with too many different things to do at once. Focus on deeper development of their gift.

3. Use available resources
There are a number of different resources and services you can access to help your gifted child.

Apps such as DragonBox Algebra 5+, Lightbot – Programming Puzzles, Story Wheel, Monster Physics and many more, can further their knowledge and stimulate their mind. And physical aids such as musical instruments and art supplies can further stimulate them and give them a creative outlet.

These services and resources have been designed by professionals who understand the needs of gifted children and what they require in addition to their normal schooling.

Help from the PLC Sydney Futures Extension Centre
The PLC Sydney Futures Extension Centre offers a number of classes for gifted and talented primary school aged children. These are designed to help develop your child’s unique skills.

Dedicated tutors are carefully selected for their experience and expertise. The programs are designed to support students to thrive, perform to their potential and achieve their personal best.

As each child learns and takes in information differently, a range of methodologies are used to maintain stimulation and engagement for each student.
Enrolments are now open for the 2022 enrichment classes. These are held every Saturday from 1pm to 4pm. Term 1 runs from Saturday February 5 to Saturday March 26 (8 weeks). Entry requires a psychometric assessment identifying the child as gifted.

Classes are available for Kindergarten/Year 1 and Years 2 – 6. These classes are deliberately small, run over the full term and focus on two topics per term.
If you have seen your child completing activities in a different way to others around them, or you believe they are gifted, an assessment is a great place to start. Get in touch with the PLC Sydney Futures Extension Centre to arrange a consultation.

The PLC Sydney Futures Centre is located at 130 Edwin Street, Croydon, Ph: 9704 5713/5634,

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