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PLC Preschool Ashfield

The importance of whole child development

When it comes to choosing a preschool for your children, there are many factors to consider.

Price is a big consideration, but it’s also important to explore what your child is going to learn at preschool and how this is going to be taught. Children develop in many ways – physically, socially, emotionally, in language and literacy, and in thinking (cognitive) skills. There are many different approaches when it comes to teaching early childhood and preschool education. In high quality preschools, teachers focus on all areas of learning. So when deciding on a preschool for your child, it is a good idea to find one that has a holistic approach to learning.

What is a whole child approach?

When a preschool uses a whole child approach, they focus on more than just a child’s education. They are looking at the bigger picture and focus on teaching the child more than just academic skills. The whole child approach works on the basis that every child should be happy, healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged to grow in their educational environment.

This means providing children with a setting that helps to promote growth in all aspects of their development.

At PLC Ashfield, outstanding preschool staff deliver a stimulating program which incorporates academic activities such as literacy and numeracy, science and music. These are supported by a strong cultural, physical and creative framework and our core values, which underpin everything we do.

PLC Preschool Ashfield

How does the whole child approach work at PLC Preschool?

We create an environment where children feel safe, secure and comfortable. They are able to express themselves and grow in all aspects of their lives whilst learning and developing.

The approach focuses on creating an all-round approach to learning and education. Taking into account more than just the curriculum, to teach children a range of skills they will use throughout their lives.

Student led learning and independence are big components of the whole child approach. Letting children make their own decisions and then seeing the consequences of their actions and decisions, helps to grow their independence whilst learning other valuable skills.

PLC Preschool Ashfield

Why is the whole child approach important?

This approach is important as it supports and nurtures all areas of a child’s development and learning. This includes social/emotional, physical, ethical and cognitive skills. The whole child approach helps children develop a sense of community and encourages interpersonal skills, problem solving, creativity, autonomy and self-accountability.

These skills are just as important as academic development. They help prepare preschool children for the transition to Kindergarten and beyond. Learning independence, self-awareness and compassion for others are all valuable skills that children can take into their adult lives.

There are many different approaches schools can take when it comes to educating children. When looking for a preschool for your child, discuss the different options with the educators and find out which approach they will use with your child.

PLC offers outstanding early education opportunities for your child. Β Located in the heart of Ashfield, our brand new, purpose built preschool caters for both girls and boys aged 3-5 years. The PLC Sydney Preschool program provides a strong foundation for young learners and makes the transition into Pre-K or Kindergarten seamless. Click here to find out more or to book a tour.

PLC Sydney Preschool, 1 Knox Street, Ashfield, 9704 5770.

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