The Waste Warriors are coming!
Waste Warrior Workshop
Help preserve the world these school holidays and discover the awesome world of a waste warrior. Join Rhodes Waterside as they fight the war on waste and create a sustainable city powered by imagination. Learn how to turn clean, recycled materials into your very own masterpiece, ready for the world!
Dates: Monday 9 to Friday 20 July (excluding Saturday and Sunday)
Location: Near Bing Lee
Cost: FREE
PLUS, snap and upload your Waste Warrior adventures on instagram with the hashtag #playatrhodes for your chance to win a $100 Rhodes Waterside Gift Card!
Click here for Terms and Conditions.
Rhodes Waterside says NO to plastic bags!
IKEA Craft Zone
Kids, enjoy environmentally – friendly arts and craft these school holidays
When: Weekdays, 9 July – 20 July
Time: 11am – 3pm
Where: IKEA store entrance
IKEA School holidays Drawing Competition
Draw a picture of what you do at home to help save the environment. You can win one of three sustainability packs for your family!To enter, get your entry form at Smaland (near the IKEA store entrance)
See in-store for terms and conditions.