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PLC Sydney Preschool

PLC Sydney Preschool – helping your child transition to big school

Watching your child grow from being uncertain and shy on their first day of preschool, to them confidently waving goodbye at the school gate, is a big milestone in a parent’s life.

It’s the same for the PLC Sydney Preschool educators. Making sure each and every child feels safe and supported, while providing an enriching environment for them to develop into involved learners, is the highest priority for PLC Sydney Preschool Director, Mary-Ann Rizzo.

“Academically, our programs ensure the children are ready for big school,” says Mrs Rizzo.

“But it’s the individual care we give to each child that makes sure they’re socially ready too. We help equip them with the social skills they need to interact with other children and teachers, so parents feel confident that they’re going to be ok in the playground, as well as in the classroom.”

Being affiliated with PLC Sydney, means the preschool has access to shared resources and teaching staff, at no extra cost. If there are areas your child wants to explore, then preschool will do their best to support this.

Prospective families of children starting preschool in 2022 and beyond are invited to:

PLC Sydney Preschool – Virtual Information Session

Tuesday 23 November, 7.30pm via Zoom

PLC Sydney Preschool is also known for its structured learning, which is set to grow even further with the introduction of the Macquarie University-based PreLit program. The new way of learning focuses on phonological awareness and helps children look at books in a different way. Equally as important in the early childhood years is the preschool’s focus on making learning fun. The Reggio Emilia philosophy encourages children to play and explore based on their own interests, and is supported by a robust curriculum that offers the perfect balance between play, nature and technology.

“Our other big focus is teaching the children about zones of regulation with their emotions. We give them a toolbox of strategies to help them recognise and deal with their big emotions,” Mrs Rizzo says.

“As the children start to transition back from a disrupted year of learning, where they’ve likely had more freedoms at home, and are coming back into a more formal space, this toolbox is going to be crucial to help them cope with big emotions and big changes.”

Mrs Rizzo says resilience is one of the greatest outcomes she sees children develop in their preschool year.

“If we can nurture a resilient child, then they’re ready to take on anything. Regardless of their ability, background, circumstances, if they can get up and try again, we’re helping them to shape their future in a positive way.

“Our unique observation of each and every child means that we recognise when they might need an extra cuddle in the morning, or when they need more challenges to help extend their learning.

“And making sure we’re in constant communication with the families to ensure we’re all on the same page in helping their child achieve their goals, or desired skills.”

At PLC Sydney Preschool, there’s a real sense of purpose and partnership between families and teaching staff, where your child is always the focus. Ensuring that each child is nurtured and instilled with the confidence they need to start big school, and life beyond.

PLC Sydney Preschools Ashfield, 1 Knox Street Ashfield,

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