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PLC Sydney Preschool

PLC Sydney Preschool onsite tours 2021

Book a site tour and find out about the reduced fees at Ashfield’s PLC Sydney Preschool.

Looking for a preschool with high quality teaching programs for your son or daughter in 2022? Enrolments are now open for PLC Sydney Preschool in Ashfield.

Come and visit in-person during the school holidays for a personal tour hosted by Centre Director Mary-Ann Rizzo. The tours run for 30-45 minutes and will be held on 27 and 28 September. Call 9704 5770 to book your spot.

PLC Sydney Preschool in Ashfield has received funding from the NSW Government’s Start Strong program, which will be passed on to families as a fee subsidy. The aim of this program is to ensure all children in NSW get access to a preschool education prior to starting school. It will reduce the fees at PLC Sydney Preschool to:

2 Day program – $100
3 Day program – $220
5 Day program – $460

Visit the website to put your child on the waitlist for 2022.

Why PLC Sydney Preschool?
Set your child up for a smooth transition to formal learning in a supportive, resourceful, community environment. PLC Sydney Preschool is open to children aged 3 to 5 years and provides a warm and nurturing space for children to thrive. It offers:

  • A school readiness program
  • Technology-supported learning
  • Child-led play and learning based on the Reggio Emilia Philosophy
  • Qualified, professional staff

PLC Sydney Preschool, 1 Knox Street, Ashfield, 

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