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WOMEN'S FITNESS WINTER CHALLENGE – sign up before Mothers Day to get this discount

Starts 14th of May. Limited spots.
Are you stuck in a rut trying to find time for yourself or motivation to start a fitness routine?
Do you need a fun challenge where you can join a group of friendly women and mums just like you and finally get the ball rolling?
Are you a bit out of practice with fitness or just simply haven’t got a lot of confidence to go to the gym and need some help to get started?
If this sounds like you then grab this opportunity to jump on board and secure this discounted offer for our exciting WINTER CHALLENGE.
We kick off 14th of May and if you sign up for the challenge before Mothers day you can get an awesome discount. Only $13-16 per session and you also get a nutrition plan, quick and easy recipes and lot’s of support from our caring trainers who will guide you, help you and kick your back side when needed.
Fit in those jeans again and rock them.
Regain energy and improve sleep.
Feel fantastic and proud of yourself.
Relieve stress and have fun during the workouts.
Are you in?
This is a perfect challenge for beginners or intermediate level of fitness. We help you get started and keep going all the way.
It’s not too late to make 2018 the best year ever!
Contact Liv today on 0410 337 313 or check out more info on this link below.

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