Ischa Ropert, founder of Ischa Ropert Coach, offers transformational life coaching services. She is passionate about helping clients to discover their authentic self and create a life that feels really good to be in.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I am insanely curious about people and life. I love meaningful conversations, travel, books, great coffee, comfort food and British detective shows. My friends describe me as wise, warm, open, adventurous, a bit intense and direct. I was born in Amsterdam, grew up in Sydney and spent 20 years travelling and experimenting with different paths.
Before becoming a mother, I felt lost, without a clear sense of my worth or direction. Deep down I believed having my own family would bring a sense of completion but it didn’t quite work out that way. Motherhood took me to some pretty dark places that completely transformed the way I think about myself and how I live. I’ve let go of perfectionism, learnt to trust in my own wisdom and made more time for my creativity and joy.
What did you do prior to launching your coaching business?
I have always worked in person-centred roles that involved communicating, coaching or advising. I started out in public relations, working in publishing, film and health, and later completed a MA International Studies and worked abroad in international governance roles. When I was pregnant I had a powerful urge to live more meaningfully, so I transitioned from advising leadership to set up my own coaching practice. Since then I’ve been coaching clients through all types of personal and professional transitions and writing, teaching and speaking on being human and intuitive living.
What inspired you to become a transformational coach?
I’ve always been fascinated by human beliefs, behaviours and choices. As a kid I was naturally intuitive and could see the potential in people. In my twenties people came to me for advice on career, relationships and other issues, but it took awhile to register it could be a career. Social intelligence, neuro-science and positive psychology were considered very new age-y back then. When I became a mother my priorities changed and I explored different ways to develop my ‘sixth sense’. I signed up for a counselling course to get some inspiration and a ten-minute talk on coaching set off a giant light bulb. I realised I’d been doing this ’coaching thing’ my whole life without having a name for it. I went on to train with two US institutes and set up my first practice in Paris.
There are many types of coaching but transformational change is my passion and niche expertise. Helping clients discover their authentic self and heal dysfunctional beliefs is incredibly rewarding and I know that it radically transforms their life as well as the people they love.
What services do you offer?
I coach clients in person in Surry Hills, Birchgrove, via Skype or by phone. My clients come from all walks of life with varied goals, such as career change, parenting challenges, finding new direction, improving confidence and creativity, relationship issues, wellbeing and spiritual development. What differentiates transformational coaching from other niches is that I focus on the person, their growth and healing rather than on specific goals or results.
I begin with a free discovery call so I can understand the person and their needs and assess whether I can help them. I offer a 90-minute Let’s Nail It intuitive clarity session to help clients make an immediate positive shift.
For clients who want to actually make a significant change, I offer a 3/4 month package where we work through the whole process together.
My job is to help clients understand what drives them as person, what their gifts are and what they want to create in their life. I do my job well when clients leave with a clear map of their life purpose and the tools to keep on evolving and expanding.
What can clients expect from you?
Clients can expect the right kind of expert help in a safe, dynamic and professional environment at affordable rates. Coaching is a new industry and there are lots of questionable approaches that can take you off track. I am expertly trained with over 1000 hours hands-on experience helping people in many different contexts with proven success.
My clients value my intuitive capabilities, which allow me to cut to the core of their situation quickly. I use a range of models, tools and exercises; however, every client is unique, so I only know how to proceed after we meet and I learn more about their situation.
What is the most inspiring experience you have had with a client?
Every client inspires me because I get to know their authentic self. I had a gorgeous client in her in thirties who was struggling in her career and had lost a lot of confidence. Through our work she understood that her gifts of social intelligence, empathy and care were valuable to others even if her current boss didn’t value her. She retrained as coach and now develops the talents of young females in her workplace. I am inspired when clients walk away knowing their true worth, with the vision and confidence to create a life that honours it.
Best piece of advice you can offer to someone who is considering engaging a transformational coach?
Transformational coaching is extremely powerful because you open up and reveal yourself in a new way, which can make you feel vulnerable. How safe and understood you feel with the coach influences how effective the coaching will be. It is important to work with someone you trust and who has your best interests at heart and not one that is imposing some kind of formula or selling a program.
Since returning to Sydney, I have seen a lot of coaching programs offering results they can’t guarantee, especially to women wanting to run their own business, etc. Coaching can only help you to understand what drives you and what holds you back; it can’t guarantee specific results such as a six-figure income. Don’t be afraid to shop around and make use of free calls to find a good fit.
As a mother, what advice can you offer new parents?
Becoming a mother is one of the most significant life transitions you’ll ever go through. No one can prepare you for how much you change and all the emotions it brings up. As soon as your baby arrives the person you were before is gone and a new version of you and your couple emerges over time. This change is confronting, challenging and at times despairing, but it is also what makes motherhood such a powerful opportunity to own your authenticity and let go of perfectionism. This is the time to look inwards and get clear on your own priorities and how you personally want to live in this world. Your child learns from how you treat yourself rather than what you tell them to do or be. So take a big breath, relax and have fun getting to know this new version of you just as you do your new baby – with unconditional love, wonder, curiosity, patience and compassion. Know that you are always doing the best you can with the knowledge you have. Life is one huge adventure and motherhood is the wildest ride of all.
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