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Getting to Know … Robin DeLucia of IMPower Coaching

Robin DeLucia is a career coach with more than 25 years’ experience in corporate management and director roles across various industries and the founder of IMPower Coaching. After coaching many people over the years, she decided it was time to start her own business. Robin is passionate about helping women to recognise their strengths, build their confidence and find jobs they’ll love.


Tell us a little about yourself.

I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and started my corporate career in banking. I’m now married to an Aussie in a blended family of three kids who are now all in uni. I’ve lived in Sydney for ten years, and I’ve recently applied for citizenship. I just love living in Oz.

I started my career coaching business a year ago, targeting corporate women and working mums who are struggling in their career, as well as people who are new to Australia. I enjoy doing volunteer coaching with NDIS clients too.


What did you do prior to launching your coaching business?

I worked in director roles for American Express, IBM and US Bank in America and I was head of Human Resources and Corporate Services for a telco in Australia. I always loved managing and developing people to succeed in their roles and future careers.


What inspired you to become a career coach?

I was in my own career transition when I met an inspiring career coach, Richard. He helped me see my true purpose: helping people improve their self-worth to land their dream job. At first, I volunteered but eventually got a job working for Richard in his start-up as an outplacement coach. This role was such a blessing and I loved it; I will always remember this. I have found so much more joy now helping people change their lives for the better.


What are the benefits of using a career coach?

Aussies seem to have a hard time tooting their own trumpets. I help people connect with their strengths and focus on ‘finding what’s right with them’, not what’s wrong. I love helping people see the good in themselves through asking the right questions, which opens them up to new opportunities they may have never considered.


What services do you offer?

I’m most passionate about helping women and migrants get their dream jobs or have that tough conversation with their boss. My services are tailored for each person depending on their circumstances; I don’t do a one-size-fits-all approach as I find that isn’t as effective in the long run.

I typically conduct a strengths profiling survey to assist my clients to uncover their top strengths. I use Gallup strengths and the reason I love it is because there is a one in 33 million chance of two people having the same top strengths in the same order! This allows me to help each client make very specific career choices to match their natural talents. So, we only focus on the areas where they need help.

I do career retrospectives to highlight when clients were at their best and to build confidence. I help brainstorm potential career paths or simply just prepare resumes and LinkedIn profiles. Sometimes I even help clients prepare for an upcoming interview.


What can clients expect from you?

What you see is what you get; there’s no hidden agenda, just an honest desire to help. I usually offer an initial free coffee date to chat about your needs. I dislike sales, and don’t want my clients to feel pressured to sign up to a program if they’re not sure they’ll get the desired outcomes.

I design programs that are catered to clients’ needs and then let them discuss with their partner or friend so they can decide without pressure if they want to engage my services. What’s most important to me is that they feel comfortable so they get the most out of my coaching.


What is the most inspiring experience you have had with a client?

A client who was made redundant had resigned herself to taking a step down in her next job because she didn’t have a uni degree. She had worked hard throughout her career but thought her current role was a fluke. As her career coach, I took her through a number of exercises to tease out her strengths and passions to map out her dream job, a chief of staff. We tweaked her resume and LinkedIn profile to reflect the duties of a chief of staff and she won a contract position as an executive assistant and she loved it. Fourteen months later, her company was so impressed with her they promoted her to chief of staff with a big pay rise. It was a wonderful turning point for her and me, that she realised her dream.


As a mother, what advice can you offer new parents?

When you are a new parent, you want so badly to do everything perfectly. Making a mistake feels awful, but as long as you keep your children safe and warm, you’re doing a great job. The best gift you can give to your kids is to admit when you’re wrong and say, ‘I’m sorry. I was wrong.’ This gives them the ability to model your behaviour and learn emotional intelligence along the way.


Have you ever read a book that has changed your perspective or path in life?

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg. It related to me as I was criticised growing up for being too bossy or too outspoken and was made to feel bad about it. Now I love hearing stories about assertive bossy little girls and take comfort that they’ll persevere in today’s society. Women are so ingrained to not rock the boat, we forget to speak up when it counts.


Favourite places in the Inner West?

HQ Hair Salon in Hunters Hill – I love the owner, Alanna, who opened her own salon at age 22 and her business is thriving. Such an inspiration!

Stone Ground Bakery Annandale – amazing coffee, pastries and delightful service

Charles Street Kitchen Café in Putney – amazing service and healthy meals


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