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Gowrie childcare Erskineville

Gowrie Erskineville: building communities of diverse citizens for more than 80 years

How Gowrie Erskineville has been building communities of diverse citizens for over 80 years

More than 80 years ago, when the early foundations of childcare were laid in Australia, Gowrie Erskineville was there. And it is still there today, providing innovative education and care for families in the local area.

It’s one thing to make bold claims, but it’s another thing altogether to have the reputation to back it up. Anyone who has sent their children to Gowrie Erskineville will tell you it is a truly amazing place where diversity is embraced and fun is the order of the day. Every day.

It’s not possible to put your finger on one single reason why Gowrie Erskineville is so amazing. Instead here are four reasons why you should book a tour to discover the magic for yourself.

Facilities and play spaces

Behind the facade of the unassuming building on Elliott Avenue is a secret garden of adventure waiting for the children who attend Gowrie Erskineville. The interior of the building has been fully restored to create modern play spaces and learning environments. Each indoor environment is full of resources that enhance learning and discovery across all age groups in the centre.
But it’s the outdoor environment that our community appreciates the most.

“We are so fortunate to have such an inspiring outdoor environment for the children to access,” said Rachelle Scott, administration and family communications co-ordinator at Gowrie NSW Erskineville Early Education and Care.

“With the minimal backyards in the area, it is one of the aspects of the centre that families are immediately drawn to. We get many comments on tours from parents who didn’t realise just how much outdoor space we have.”

The children at Gowrie Erskineville have the opportunity to explore the outdoors, connect with nature and enjoy the benefits that brings.

Educational approach

As with any childcare centre, the educational approach at Gowrie Erskineville is at the heart of it all. Through play-based learning and empowering the children to make new discoveries every day, the Gowrie Erskineville educators are laying the foundations of curiosity and a love of learning.

But the educational philosophy is only as strong as the educators who are putting it into practice. And it doesn’t get much better than the Gowrie Erskineville educators. They are passionate, strong, supportive, and work together as a cohesive team where all opinions and ideas are respected, because it’s all about the children.

Key educator relationships are something that is spoken about very widely in the childcare industry. At Gowrie Erskineville, it’s more than talk. Every child has a key educator relationship which increases their confidence and ultimately their ability to learn.

That’s the beauty of 80 years of childcare experience. Over the years Gowrie NSW has refined their approach to ensure they offer the best environment and learning opportunities for the children.

Diverse community

At Gowrie Erskineville, everyone fits. The community is as welcoming and supportive as it is diverse. And that is a characteristic of Gowrie Erskineville that only grows stronger over the years.

“The majority of families live locally,” says Rachelle.  “The children form friendships which transition through the rooms, and quite often on to school. We also find that the parents are really proactive in fostering friendship groups.

“More than that, the parents form a really strong support network for each other. Many of our families are originally from overseas and don’t have family here to help out. It’s so nice to see parents sitting out the front after morning drop off and catching up.”

The Gowrie vision
‘It is our vision that children are active participants in society, their voices are heard and they are empowered to make a positive contribution in their community … and make a difference in the world’

This is what it all comes down to. The facilities, the community and the educational approach developed over 80 years all combine to deliver the Gowrie vision.

And it’s the vision that resonates so strongly with parents. Isn’t that what we all want for our children? To have a voice and to play a positive role in society.

There is no better way to experience the Gowrie Erskineville difference for yourself than to book a tour of the centre. You can walk through the facilities, see the educators in action, ask all of your questions and experience the Gowrie vision coming to life through the children in the centre.

You can book a tour on the Gowrie NSW website where you can also learn more about the Erskineville Centre and the Gowrie vision.

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